Next Ventures Summer Event

Our Summer Event was a great day bringing the whole NV team together for an enjoyable, action-packed day of activity. As expected plenty of competitive spirit was evident and we all had a lot of fun. We were grouped into 18 teams and of course there were prizes for the top performers.

Special mention for the winning teams:

In first place Team 8; Richard, Ellie, Adam, Thomas & Connor

In second place Team 17; Kristina, Elliot, Barak, Marco & Soufiane

In third place Team 11; Neil, Dominika, Richard, Liban & Sophia

Top scoring individuals:

In first place was Adam, second went to Nick and third to Jed. Well done guys, some real sharp-shooting, axe-throwing, arrow firing, quad riding, segwaying, multitalented indeed!

Below is a video of some of the highlights.