G-Cloud 14 Framework for the Public Sector

Government Digital Marketplace

Our cloud support services can now be found on the Government Digital Market Place, listed in the current G-Cloud 14 framework. Public Sector organisations can use the Crown Commercial Services portal to procure our cloud support services from a list of compliant suppliers.

G-Cloud Compliance and Standards

Public Sector buyers can use this framework to buy with the confidence that we have met the standards set by the Crown Commercial Services and complied with the framework agreement required to support their cloud technology implementations. Our CCS G-Cloud listed services cover a wide range of cloud technology, applications and infrastructure support consultancy for the public sector transformation projects.

Advantages of buying through G-Cloud 14

The framework is continually enhanced through customer feedback, to help facilitate transformation projects for the users.

Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In 2022/23, CCS helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits equal to £3.8 billion – supporting world-class public services that offer the best value for taxpayers.

Our listed consultancy services are:

Public Sector buyers can find our service by visiting The Digital Marketplace

Crown Commercial Service Supplier

More information can be found on www.crowncommercial.gov.uk